Kinect SDK計畫 官方版本正式出爐

早在新聞公布之前,各種小道消息就已傳得沸沸揚揚。微軟表示,KinectWindows SDK將可讓協力開發廠商打造使用直接連接到Windows PCKinect動作感應器軟體。這個非商業性的「新手版(starter version)SDK將可讓使用者直接取得更深入的 Kinect系統資訊,例如音訊、系統應用程式介面、以及直接控制Kinect感應器,微軟還計畫在之後推出商業版。
「微軟在自然使用者介面上的投資對於打造直覺化使用的電腦的願景非常重要,而且對我們很有幫助」微軟的研究與策略總長Craig Mundie表示,「這些研究投資的成果已經深入到我們許多產品之中,Xbox 360Kinect也是其中之一。」
微軟一開始對這些「破解」行為抱持負面態度,但是隨後似乎受到了這個概念的啟發,轉而解釋Kinect是專為開放平台而設計。針對去年一項3,000美元的挑戰賽,開放來源硬體設備商Adafruit Industries開發出了Kinect的硬體破解的行為,微軟曾經表示無法「寬恕」上述行徑。
在今年的CES大展上,被問到微軟是否會允許將Kinect連接到PC的行為時,該公司執行長Steve Ballmer曾表示會在適當時間正式支援,但確切時間未定。

MVP人力銀行--誠徵資深軟體系統設計(System Design ,SD)工程師

WANTED 資深軟體系統設計(System Design, SD)工程師


5()以上Web 開發/設計經驗,熟C#
.Netframework 3.5()以上,MS SQL Server 2005()以上。
擔任工作主要為程式設計, 系統架構設計。

報名辦法: 請直接將您的履歷投遞至

MVP人力銀行--誠徵 Exchange Server & OCS Server Support Engineer

台灣微軟CSS部門目前正強力誠徵合作夥伴Exchange Server & OCS Server Support Engineer,歡迎有興趣的MVP可以前來應試,或轉寄給適合的親朋好友。

報名辦法: 請直接將您的履歷投遞到

詳情請見以下內容 :

WANTED : Exchange Server & OCS Server Support Engineer

Job Description
The Support Engineer will provide high quality technical support of Microsoft Messaging products such as Exchange Server and OCS Server to the Premier and Professional customers. The Support Engineer need to manage both customer relationships and the technical resolution of customer’s requests, deliver high quality CPE through timely response, resolution, interpersonal collaboration and execution.

• Provide the quick and accurate solutions to the customers’ problems. Meet all follow up commitments made with customers
• Represent Microsoft and communicate with customers via telephone, written correspondence, electronic service in a timely manner according to the service level agreement.
• Manage the healthy progress of service requests. Ensure escalating to senior and escalation resources at the right time with the right information.
• Collaborate on cross-team and cross-product technical issues by working with resources from other groups as needed to resolve customer issues.
• Effectively manage relationships with customers, Technical Account Managers and other internal MS resources, while ensuring high customer satisfaction of the overall service experiences.
• Compliance with the service operation processes for execution excellence.
• Answer phone calls from customers at appointed on duty time.

1) Bachelor or Master Degree in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or equivalent experience is preferred.
2) Be familiar with Microsoft product line and functionalities in most products, and skilled in Activity Directory, Exchange Server, Office Communication Server,
3) Having experience on Microsoft new technologies w Professional Training and Certification ill be preferred,
4) Be open and respective, passion in new technology research and adoption.
5) Quick learning ability is required. And can take BIG challenge.
6) Good communication skill and good service skill are expected

Experience -3 - 5 years of related experience
Education-Bachelor’s Degree (B.S. /B.A.)
Professional Training and Certification - MCITP, MCTS is essential ;ITIL certification or TOEIC test score 730 will be a plus